Who To Bring, What To Wear, What To Bring, When To Arrive
Who to Bring:
You MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult who will drive you home after surgery.
What to Wear:
Wear loose-fitting, clean, comfortable, easily changed clothes (like jogging suits) and flat shoes to Rancho Mirage Surgery Center. Do not wear jewelry, and please leave valuables at home, as we cannot be responsible for their safe-keeping.
What to Bring:
Please bring your medical insurance cards because our receptionist will need them in order to finalize your registration process. Also, bring protective cases for your contact lenses, eye-glasses and hearing aids. If you are taking regular medications, please bring them with you so that our anesthesiologists can see exactly what medications you are taking in the event that you have not already provided a written list.
When to Arrive:
When you arrive approximately 1 hour prior to surgery, please check in with the receptionist and complete necessary registration or insurance information. If you require general or regional anesthesia an anesthesiologist will meet with you to discuss and arrange for anesthesia care.